Although we live in a world where many dental products are manufactured using digital technology, dentures are one of the few that are still made by hand. That may start to change now, however, as dental device company AvaDent has developed what they call “digital dentures.”

How are AvaDent Dentures Created?

AvaDent® dentures are made using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) processes, similar to those that are used to make same-day dental restorations such as crowns. To make AvaDent digital dentures, your dentist first takes impressions of the gums using CAD/CAM technology to precisely capture how the bite is positioned and the exact state of your oral anatomy. These impressions are then used to create a digital template, which serves as a guide for how the final appliances are fabricated.

The technology is still new, of course, which means that the dentures themselves are similar in quality to those you’d get via more traditional methods. However, as the technology improves, the restorations they produce should feature more improvements, as well. For instance, AvaDent has made mention of introducing technology that allows teeth to be shaped individually, allowing an even greater level of customization on the part of dentists and dental technicians.

What are the Benefits of Digital Dentures?

One of the big advantages of digital dentures is that the process, from consultation to receiving the permanent restoration, is more convenient for the patient. For instance, where it can take up to five visits to have conventional dentures made, digital dentures can be created and provided to you in as few as two-to-three visits.

CAD/CAM technology allows dentures to be made efficiently. From having impressions taken at your first appointment to having your new dentures placed at your second appointment, the whole process can take as little as five business days. By contrast, it can take up to 30 days, sometimes longer, to have dentures made through traditional means.

When it comes to producing long-lasting, comfortable appliances, there are additional areas where digital manufacturing processes prove to be particularly effective. AvaDent digital dentures are better-fitting than traditional dentures, thanks to the precise nature of the design and manufacture software. These restorations are both light and durable due to the use of advanced materials, allowing some patients to benefit from increased comfort while wearing these as opposed to their traditional counterparts.

Contact ABA Dental Clinic for More Information

Are you interested in learning more about digital dentures? Call our Thunder Bay practice to schedule a consultation!